1997 Second Prize of the "Huanshi Town Science and Technology Progress Award"
Quality assurance
Bevictor韦德历经时间的沉淀,不但在行业内享有美誉,还获得消费者的广泛认可和国家有关专业机构的多项认证,先后获评“全国轻工行业先进集体”、广东省“信用建设孝敬单位”、“全国日化行业质量领军企业”、“全国质量信得过产品” 、“全国日化行业质量领先品牌”荣誉称呼。公司与中国科学院南海海洋研究所配合研制开发的“一种含有海洋贝类活性肽的化妆品及其制备要领和应用”的技术专利,荣获“中国专利优秀奖”、“广东专利金奖”。用荣誉见证实力,生长书写辉煌!
1997 Second Prize of the "Huanshi Town Science and Technology Progress Award"
The "Top 10 Beauty Products" Award at the 18th Asian Hair and Makeup Competition in 1994
The highest award for the 1992 National Domestic Product Exhibition and Sales Event
In 1990, Guangdong Province First Light Industry Excellent "Four New" Product First Prize
The First National Light Industry Expo in 1990- Silver Award
1989 Shiwan District Science and Technology Progress Second Prize