

Olive Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing Skincare Set

Series: Hyaluronic acid series

Function :

Net Content: 200ml+200g+20ml+15ml

Tmall JD Suning
  • Product Details

Olive hyaluronic acid rippling skin beauty suit

Olive & Hyaluronic acid HydratingToner

Water saturation, water locking, clear and moist

Triple hyaluronic acid synergistically forms a breathable water locking film on the skin surface to prevent water loss.

Contain olive essence, moisturize and penetrate, moisturize and moisturize between taps, and make skin delicate and tender.

Comfortable, clear and moisturizing texture, tender and moisturizing in the essence and soft care, making the skin fearless of dryness.

Olive & Hyaluronic acid Hydrating Serum

Clear and moisturize

Triple hyaluronic acid synergistically softens cutin and injects sufficient moisture to replenish moisture.

Olive essence can make skin soft and shiny, and enjoy a comfortable, tender and moisturizing feeling.

The texture of the clear and transparent emulsion is absorbed into the skin, leaving the skin delicate and soft.

Olive & Hyaluronic-acid Balancing Toner

Balanced hydration, refreshing and soothing

Triple hyaluronic acid synergistically penetrates the skin bottom and promotes skin water and oil balance.

Olive fruit essence rich in amino acids and minerals nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

Olive leaf extract contains olive polysaccharide, which can soothe the skin, clear and clean.

Olive & Hyaluronic-acid Essence Ampoule

Intensive hydration and moisturizing repair

With the synergistic effect of triple hyaluronic acid, it can be poured layer by layer, replenish and lock water, and make the skin as bright and moist as full of water.

Extract olive buds and flowers, promote natural skin repair and improve defense barrier.

Blended with olive fruit and leaves, it contains mineral nutrients and polysaccharides to effectively enhance the skin texture.

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